How do I make these go on the same line?

I’m making some graphics for an instructional video, and want these right hand chord shapes to appear on the same line, but I don’t know how to make them being “locked” into the same line as they are just one big bar (hidden 12/1 meter). How do I make them appear on the same line? I’ve tried making the staff size smaller, but that doesn’t solve the problem, and I don’t want them to small anyway to make them easier to read. They can easily be be placed closer together without looking cluttered IMO. I also tried to nudge the line in engraving mode, but that doesn’t make the bar connect again on one line.
Any tips?

Select the first chord in Engrave mode, and shift S or shift F (insert a break, a system break or a frame break, it doesn’t matter). Select the break signpost, and in the properties panel (bottom panel) tick the Wait for next system break.
Since there are none, everything after the first break will be squished into one line. Beware: you might be overfull now on that system. It could be a good idea to change Layout options>Note spacing or insert a note spacing change at the start of the system!

Thank you! It wasn’t exactly the solution, but it helped me find the solution. I had hidden the signposts, so didn’t see the system break sign post. But tried your suggestion and didn’t see the sign posts, reminded me to turn them on again, and then I could just delete the system break sign post and they jumped up to one staff again :slight_smile:

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Keeping signposts (easily) visible and Note Colours for Voices are the two main things you should be aware of to debug your own files.

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