How do I open FlexPhraser in Sonic 3 SE?

I’ve looked at the manual and YT videos and whilst I can see how to open FlexPhraser in Halion 6 I can’t see how to access it in Sonic 3 SE!
I appreciate that it’s a read only version but would like to try it today in case I decide to go for the Absolute offer which ends today.

Sorry, but it can only be edited and added to presets in the full version of Halion Sonic or Halion.

A few Halion Sonic SE presets do use the FlexPhraser though. Use the preset search feature and look for “Flex” or “arp”. They should give you a rough idea of what it’s capable of.

Thanks. So basically can you only play the pre-configured presets which use the Flex feature and have no way of auditioning the flex patterns individually and selecting one to play with any sound you like?
I realised it was cut-down but this has been cut down so much you don’t get much of a flavour for how it works.
I downloaded the demo whilst out and will try that out.