How do I open .nlpr with Nuendo 5?

I’m friendly with the members of a local live band. At a recent concert, the sound engineer recorded 24 tracks using Nuendo Live, and he gave me the files (24 .wav files + 1 .nlpr file). I incorrectly assumed that I could open this file with Nuendo 5 (but I’m not having much luck).

How can I open this file? Is there a way to convert the .nlpr file into a .npr file?

If it is convertible, what software do I need to make the conversion?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I think you’ll need to upgrade to Nuendo 6 for that.
As far as I remember, Nuendo live was build alongside N6, which means that any version before that will be incompatible.



Nuendo 5.5.x will open NLive files.