How do I shrink the diamond notehead?

I’d like to reduce the size of the diamond noteheads selected here, for the whole project. What’s the easiest way to accomplish this?

I tried scaling the note, but it also scaled the tied note, even in Engrave mode.

Notehead Set Editor. The only question is: which one is it, and what’s it called?

Yeah I tried that, but I’m afraid I made a muddle of it.

Is this what you’re looking for? Small Slash Noteheads? If I set the size to 75% it looks pretty good.

Screenshot 2022-10-29 at 12.28.04 PM

Hmm… I wonder why I don’t have “small slash noteheads” as one of my notehead sets?

And I don’t know why all these are showing anyways. To this point I used only default noteheads, and the example here was entered as a slash voice. Probably showing my ignorance of this particular part of Dorico…

Here’s the project file if it’s helpful for anything:
Ch 3 NEW.dorico (815.9 KB)

Try changing from the “Common” category in the popdown menu to “Slashes”.

That’s it, thanks Stephen! 75% looks great.

Still a bit in the dark about notehead sets, but I’ll soldier on. Maybe, y’know, I’ll read the documentation… :grimacing:


I’ve found editing notehead sets so fraught that I’ve avoided it except in cases of extreme notehead emergencies.

Just 1 “for instance”, my Notehead Set called “Oversized Slash Noteheads” has 3 consectutive slots for Duration: “1/2 note (minim)”. None for “Whole note (semibreve)”. I didn’t edit these as far as I can tell.

If I set the sizing of the “1/2 note (minim)” notehead in the set “Small Slash Noteheads” to 75%, it resizes it in the other notehead sets. I’m sure that’s by design, but I can’t figure out how to limit my sizing adjustments to only 1 set, which is what I would like to do…

…and when I see a notehead named, “noteheadSlashVerticalEndsSmallOversized” my eyes start to glaze over :grin:

The important step is to duplicate it in the set you want to change its appearance in first, then remove the original: this means you’re only editing a notehead that appears in one notehead set. The reason behind it working the way it does (edits to a notehead affects all sets it appears in) is because you might be using the same notehead in multiple sets, and definitely want updates to it to propagate wherever it’s used.

(I.e. in step 6 here, do the “New from Selection” option.)

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Not exactly what you were asking, but there are other glyphs available in Bravura too. If you are tweaking your slash defaults in Notehead Sets, you might want to at least peek at what else is in there, in case there is anything else you prefer. I’ve tweaked my slash notehead sets so I get this by default for example:

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I find it quite the opposite: extremely powerful once you know how to work with it.
As Lillie said: one notehead can live in multiple sets, and this if you change it in one its appearance will change in every - it’s the same notehead after all. Extremely powerful to maintain consistency.
What you want is to duplicate the notehead first, delete the original from the set and work with the copy.

Thanks Lillie, That helps me to see the logic of this design. Now that I understand what’s going on under the hood, I’ll revisit this.

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