How do I use VST Instruments with Tempo Changes?

How do I use VST Instruments with Tempo Changes?

In a current project, I have a lot of VST Instruments with tempo changes.

My question is, what’s the best way in Cubase 10.5 to handle the tempo changes when it comes to working on a project and having to convert the VST Instrument to audio ?

Does freezing bake the tempo changes into the audio?

Does render in place bake the tempo changes into the audio?

Does bounce selection bake the tempo changes into the audio?

If I create audio with tempo changes baked in, won’t the audio’s tempo then change again per the tempo track?

And what do I do if I need to go back at a later point to make slight tempo adjustments?

Ideally, I want the tempo track to control the tempo, but I don’t want any VSTi that has been converted to audio stepping out of tempo along the way.

When the piece is done, what’s the best way to convert all the VST instruments to audio and maintain the correct tempo changes?


The same way you use them without tempo changes

All you have to do is try it… :unamused: Ask yourself: does a freeze function make sense, that does not include tempo changes, and which of the different tempi in the project would it then use to freeze…?

Bounce selection is for audio

Depends on if it is in musical mode or not - refer to manual

Some would just do them, others would come to the forums and ask…

That´s great, because that´s its job

Again refer to musical mode in the manual

You can answer that yourself, as soon as you tried what I wrote above. Additionally you have “export - audio mixdown”.