How does mapping work?

Thanks again, guys!

I officially give up. I can’t figure this out because I don’t understand the underlying concepts, and while this Hangout: Playback Explained, Including Expression and Percussion Maps | Discover Dorico with John Barron - YouTube certainly starts off handling that, it’s just too quick and too much “on the surface”.

While I’ve been made painfully aware that I’m not as clever as I thought I was, I still think I’m not completely useless when it comes to understanding technical concepts, and frankly, it has me thinking: If that’s the case, and I, a relatively basic user of Dorico has this much trouble understanding how to use the program, shouldn’t there be a long, really thorough Tutorial that covers this, to help me and others like me understand how this works, so we can keep making music?

Anyway, thank you Anders for offering to help me. I’ll probably be back in town within the next couple of weeks. I’ll definitely call you and drop by your place, bearing gifts and gratitude!

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