How does one make side-chain audio input available in the sample recorder?

Sorry to be futzing with the basics here, but I haven’t been able to figure this out. Can someone point me in the right direction? I’m running audio input from a mono channel into Halion 6 in Cubase 10.

I’m sending the audio channel output to the Halion 6 side-chain.

Enabling the side-chain input in Halion 6: the side-chain audio channel is visible here and receiving a signal.

There’s no input signal showing up in the sample recorder, and I don’t see anything obvious in the GUI for monitoring the side-chain input in the recorder.

On another note, I’m not sure what the exclamation mark means over the zone label icon. Is something misconfigured here?

Thanks for your help!

To answer my own question:
Apparently you need to send the side-chain audio as a direct send in the audio track, not as a send. You can make the direct send section of the inspector visible by looking in the “setup” menu located at the bottom of the inspector when the audio track is selected.