How to automate preset changes in VST3 synth (Prologue)?

I’m not able to create automation for the change of presets in VST3 synth like Prologue. I’ve also tried setting up a MIDI track with program change events but it doesn’t work. Am I doing something wrong? I know that VST3 doesn’t support automation of presets (it was great with SX2!), I am able to automate preset chenge in VST3 effects plugins (delay for example) but not in synths.
Anyone has an idea?
Will Steinberg ever bring this feature back?
Thank you,


Come on, nobody has an idea?


Look to the List Editor.

I tried almost everything included list editor but it seems that there is no way of doing it, maybe automating every single parameter (a nightmare)

Hi, I also think it does not work - I remember it was discarded bei Steinberg somewhere around SX3.

It was one of their (to me crazy) ideas to have a concept like “one track = one sound” or so…

You could create multiple instances of prologue and simply split the tracks. The load on processor power will not be worse because VST3 plugins do not use processing power when there are no signals processed/generated by them. I hope that applies for Prologue, too.

Sorry to have no better news.


Yep, started with the birth of what is now Media Bay. Not crazy to just you either. It is crazy. Fortunately many 3rd party vendors are just hand jamming the capability into their plugs.

I was searching a way to play live with C6 with every keyboard sound programmed and automated; I think I’ll have to load one VSTi for every sound, but for a 20-tracks set it will be around 50 VSTi loaded…hope the PC will bear it!

Yep, started with the birth of what is now Media Bay. Not crazy to just you either. It is crazy. Fortunately many 3rd party vendors are just hand jamming the capability into their plugs.

This is quite true.

The mechanism to input Program changes that VSTi’s can follow does exist. It is up to the VSTi designers to make it work or not. Why Steinberg chose to completely dismiss the ability to recognize MIDI Program changing with every one of their synths is beyond me. It is a basic MIDI spec just thrown out the window…and for what? The sake of MediaBay? There’s a great idea…design a behemoth database for Preset storage and retrieval and leave out the ability to change Program selections on the fly….either with MIDI or Automation. What really burns me about this is the inability to change presets from my master MIDI keyboard…regardless of whether I wish to record the changes or not.

I have quite a few 3rd party VST2 and VST3 synths and even some effects plugins that are all capable of responding to MIDI Program changes. Some will only change the patch without any preset list updating while some will change the patch and update the listing in the synth as well as the Inspector’s preset list. If 3rd party programmers can do this, why not Steinberg with all its programming talent?

So, unless Steinberg decides to restore this basic MIDI functionality to its VSTi line, your only recourse is to do what Ernst suggests: multiple tracks of the same plug-in. The Prologue (along with most others) won’t eat CPU cycles for each instance while they’re waiting to play. As an addition to that suggestion, I’d stick 'em in a FolderTrack to cut down mixer clutter.

…my 2 cents

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