how to automatically end the last bar of each flow (or at least the last flow) at the bottom right in the print area of

how to automatically end the last bar of each flow (or at least the last flow) at the bottom right in the print area of the last page

Dear users and developers,

Except for songbooks and the parts to linked a score, I manually adjust the last bar of a flow to be placed at the bottom right in the print area on the last page of the flow when the total pages of the flow span more than one page.

Is there a way automatically to do it?

Is my question clear? If not, I will upload some pictures.

Layout Options > Note Spacing: Turn off “Only justify final system in flow when…”.

If you want to make sure that the page is always filled, then change the Vertical Spacing > Vertical Justification settings. (Reduce the first value; increase the 2nd. I think.)

Thank for your opinion!

This seems to work!

However, the following makes the distances between staves wider.

To let automatically Dorico achieve what I want, the following options might be required:

  • Layout Options → Vertical Spacing → Preserve the number of systems per page in a flow

What I want to have is only the following:

but not the followings:

Sometimes one has to abandon automation and use strategically placed system breaks to generate enough measures on the final page to fill it.

The easiness, effectivity and comfortability of Dorico give me more fantasy of laziness.
Automatic adjusting would need more developed A. I. technology probably.