How to change flow name and get it to display

I’m new to flows, and can’t get my head around them, in spite of reading forums and help. How do I get the flow name to display beneath the project title instead of repeating the project title?
So far, I’ve tried renaming the flow in both the blue panel in Setup mode and in the left panel of Project Info.

Thanks very much!

Welcome to the forum @Alan_Rutherford

Go to Project Info and select the 1st flow (not the project) in the side bar. By default the string in the Title field is the displayed flow name.

Nitpicking: In German Todesbanden is spelled with a capital T. The original title is even Todes Banden

Thanks, Vadian, this solved my problem and I appreciate the bonus help with German capitalization, too.


My family is German, and this is most German reply I’ve seen this year. :slight_smile: