How to change the default automation parameter?


Is there a way to change the default automation parameter; Volume, to something else? (like Mute)
Whenever I open a new instrument to the project, the default parameter on the instrument track will always be Volume.
And it’s annoyingly easy to accidentally click on that automation in the project. And if you forget to click undo or don’t notice the accidental value change at first, undo will be too late, as you’ve done other changes already. And I’m not even quite sure, if Undo changes the value back, or just removes the automation dot, leaving the new value on…
And to specify, I know how to change the parameter to another, but I’d want Mute to be the default parameter, when opening a new instrument to the project.
Saving a template atm only work with the instruments loaded with the template. Any new instrument will still have Volume as default.


I don’t think this is possible.

" And I’m not even quite sure, if Undo changes the value back, or just removes the automation dot, leaving the new value on…"

Well just made another accidental click on the volume, on prolly the only track in the project, where I hadn’t changed Volume to Mute.
After Undo, the volume was left to the value, the click had changed it to (Max). Luckily it was a Group track and the value was at 0.0, so it was easy to change back. But anyway, that Undo function needs an update ASAP! So that it moves the value back aswell and not just remove the added automation dot…

That’s a puzzling thing and one of the few situations where ctrl + z don’t help.

A solution is - as trivial as it may sound - to not accidentially click where you don’t want to click. That simple.

I also hate accidentally clicking on the volume automation lane
I request this as feature… let us change the default automation parameter, please!
My only solution for now is changing it to mute manually everytime I load a channel… but it’s a pain for multichannel instruments