How to Combine Playback Templates?

I was able to create two individual playback templates. One for my wind and brass sections, and another for drumline for marching band. The next step I’m wanting to learn is how do I combine both of them into one playback template to use with my marching band score template? The wind and brass sections are using NotePerformer, and the drumline is using TapSpace VDL. Any guidance would be great please! Thanks so much!

Playback templates are made up of endpoint configurations (which are basically VSTs and their corresponding percussion/expression maps). You will need to go to

Play → Playback Template

There, hit the “+” button (create new). You can name it, e.g., my merged template. Add the endpoints: your custom VDL from Manual first, then add NotePerformer from Auto as a catch-all for all other instruments.

If you haven’t saved your endpoint configuration, you can do that from Play mode using the Endpoint settings, cog, left of ‘e’ and then Save Endpoint Configuration.

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