How to completely delete tempo track


I’ve tried the quick, obvious, human friendly, intuitive way of simply deleting the tempo track, as is done with all other tracks. It is a “track” after all. No success.

Searched the Cubase Pro 12.0.0 Operation Manual(Cubase Pro_12_en-US_2022-03-02):
“delete tempo track” - No matches were found
“tempo track delete” - No matches were found
“tempo delete” - No matches were found
“delete tempo” - No matches were found

“tempo track” - 170 matches found but no reference to deleting tempo track

Searched the Index:
“Delete” - no reference to tempo
“Deleting” - no reference to tempo

So I’m left with nothing much to try except either starting all over again with a new project OR putting everything on hold while I keep poking around and maybe stumbling across a solution.
Not good

Opinion: more development time could be invested in intuitive human interface guys.
For example - Microsoft Word, Excel etc has a “Tell me what you want to do” button on the main page. and uses fuzzy logic to show several probable solutions. Not AI but better than searching thru a 1,400 page PDF

As you found out, you can’t delete the Tempo Track.

Why do you feel you need to delete the Tempo Track? If this track does not have any automation points, it basically doesn’t have any effect on your project. You also have the option to disable the Tempo Track as explained here:

This can be useful if you temporarily wish to bypass the automation of a Tempo Track.

Thanks for your quick reply mlindeb
This is yet another inscrutable secret for Cubase Pro users to discover, via the long and winding road that leads to destination dead end
A simple sentence in Ver 12 manual would have sufficed

Maybe there’s a secret CB manual out there with a compilation of other undocumented CB secrets :crazy_face:

>> Why did I feel I needed to delete the Tempo Track?

  1. to cleanup unnecessary clutter
  2. assumed it would be quick and simple
  3. didn’t know it would be a fools errand

The first search result in the list in a search of the online manual for the word “Tempo” has the info you needed.

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Why not right-click on the tempo track header, select “select all events” and press delete?

On my install I can right click the tempo track and select Remove from the context menu.


You can’t delete a tempo track even if visible / not visible.
All songs need a tempo and many DAW operations are based on the tempo.
You are thinking outside the box, but not correct.
When you delete the events, it will go to to the default tempo selected for the song.

*Thanks steve for your help

Ok – my bad, sorry everyone for wasting your time with my lack of knowledge and tetchiness

Firstly the title Is incorrect. It should be

How to completely delete all contents of the tempo track

How this came about is I had a Project that had a Tempo track populated with Tempo detection.

I wanted to delete all those little tempo variations so r-clicked only the Tempo Track > Remove Selected Tracks

Popup misleadingly said “Some of the tracks that you want to delete contain data/events.
Do you really want to delete the tracks?

Yep thought I, thinking CB would delete all those pesky tempo variations in the track, similar to how deleting an instrument track will delete all the notes, controls, muting etc.

Not so. Tempo Track is special. CB just hides the tempo track whilst the slightly annoying tempo changes prevail.

Secondly, as some have pointed out, the quick fix is:
CTRL T (show Tempo Track)
CTRL A (select all)
DEL (delete)

Now the invincible Tempo Track will now have just one initial default value.
Suggest that the ambiguous CB track-removal warning be rephrased for Tempo Tracks.

Of course, once you achieve CB Tempo-Track-enlightenment then this is moot.
Thanks to everyone for helping me see this!!

Thanks suseka

Hi Johnny
Tempo Track may still have hidden tempo changes lurking

Hi reberclark
Yes that is the best way!!

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True. If you don’t need to make any tempo changes in your project at all it might be a good idea to simply switch off the tempo track altogether, e.g. by clicking this icon
Currently the icon displays that tempo track is On.

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I had no idea that was what that button did. Thanks.

Thank you! It was staring me in the face the whole time.

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