How to create a keyboard shortcut to divide the windows horizontally?

How to create a keyboard shortcut to divide the windows horizontally and a uatre to return without division. The function is in the menu, but inaccessible to create a keyboard shortcut (or I’m wrong).

Look for Window > Split Window > Horizontal Split on the Key Commands page of Preferences.

This is absent from the French version. Fenêtres Dorico|335x500

Even if you search for the word “horizontal”, nothing appears.

Have a look for Fractionner la fenêtre in the Key Commands page of Preferences.

Something is not working. There’s no such fact. Look at the image provided in my previous answer. Sorry.

Apologies, perhaps this is not yet possible in Dorico 3.5, but it will be possible in the next major version of Dorico when it arrives later in the year.

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Mystery solved!