Starting from this scenario:
I need to add the number 1 digit over the highlighted full bar rest. The reason why Dorico is not already doing this is clear: the bar is, technically, not empty.
Browsing Font Styles, one finds these two entries:
The … Font one is set to be the same as the chosen Music Font with fallback to Bravura, while the … Plain Font one is set to be Academico Regular by default. Several questions come to mind:
- differently from fingerings, I have not found a setting in Engraving Option that gives a choice between plain and bold font. What is then the plain font used for?
- What is used to create those digits? Are them the glyphs in Music Symbols? Or can they be made from a text font?
Trying with Bravura and Bravura Text brought nothing immediately, possibly because from the alphanumeric keyboard I can get only so far without delving into the Unicode hexes.
Any clarification and suggestion would be much appreciated.