How to create a "Multi-bar rest digit" Paragraph Style clone?

Starting from this scenario:

I need to add the number 1 digit over the highlighted full bar rest. The reason why Dorico is not already doing this is clear: the bar is, technically, not empty.

Browsing Font Styles, one finds these two entries:

The … Font one is set to be the same as the chosen Music Font with fallback to Bravura, while the … Plain Font one is set to be Academico Regular by default. Several questions come to mind:

  1. differently from fingerings, I have not found a setting in Engraving Option that gives a choice between plain and bold font. What is then the plain font used for?
  2. What is used to create those digits? Are them the glyphs in Music Symbols? Or can they be made from a text font?

Trying with Bravura and Bravura Text brought nothing immediately, possibly because from the alphanumeric keyboard I can get only so far without delving into the Unicode hexes.

Any clarification and suggestion would be much appreciated.

Instead of typing in Bravura, use a text paragraph style, right-click and insert music text, then you can choose the glyph. I believe you’ll want to use the Time Signature numerals, since those are the glyphs used for multibar rest counts when using the music font engraving option.

Its buried in the Rests category of engraving options:


Ah! I had started my search from after the Design section!
Another solution would be to create a Playing Technique with the relevant composite symbol. A pity there is not a search field in there.

Thank you for your help!