I’m back, and pleasing for more help, please. In my screen shot, I have 11 measures of rest in the intro, then the tenor sax has a pickup note in the 12th bar. I would like to create a multibar rest for the first 11 bars. I did find an article about how to hide/show multibar rests, and I went through that procedure to show them, but when I click out of Layout Options, I am still seeing the individual bars. Do I need to select the bars in question, then run a function to “create” the MBR? I cannot find any other discussions that relate to what I want to do. And, I thought ther article I did find said that once you go through and set the layout options, the rest (no pun intended) happens automatically. In Layout Options, I selected just the Tenor Sax part, and it is currently the only part in this score.
Many thanks,