How to create a multibar rest


I’m back, and pleasing for more help, please. In my screen shot, I have 11 measures of rest in the intro, then the tenor sax has a pickup note in the 12th bar. I would like to create a multibar rest for the first 11 bars. I did find an article about how to hide/show multibar rests, and I went through that procedure to show them, but when I click out of Layout Options, I am still seeing the individual bars. Do I need to select the bars in question, then run a function to “create” the MBR? I cannot find any other discussions that relate to what I want to do. And, I thought ther article I did find said that once you go through and set the layout options, the rest (no pun intended) happens automatically. In Layout Options, I selected just the Tenor Sax part, and it is currently the only part in this score.

Many thanks,

But you’re looking at the full score


What do you see if you select the Tenor Sax Layout?

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Thank you, TonH. I figured I would find the sax view by going to the View menu, but alas… Can you give me a hint on how to view the sax part?

Many thanks,

I found it. Thanks again!
