How to create new music frames that are unlinked to previous music frames?

In creating a harmonic analysis for students, page 1 and the top of page 2 of my project contain the music being analysed (as a single keyboard score/part, within a now over-rided Master page), followed by analytic comments that contain both text and musical illustrations (some for keyboard, and some on a single staff for melody). Here’s what a fragment of those comments look like, as laid out in a word processor:

I created a text frame for the initial text, and had planned to save screen captures of the actual music, and import them into subsequent graphic frames – ie, so that the analytic comments would be a succession of separated text and graphics frames. However, the resulting image resolution is poor, and so I’m thinking of instead creating individual music frames (instead of graphic frames), and creating the exact music within each frame.

But I see that any new music frame I create is automatically linked to my original music frame, and so that original’s player and content automatically flow into the new music frame.

Is what I’m after do-able?
If so, what is the proper way of going about this, please?

Thanks, in advance, for your help!

Here is some information that you can use to control what music is shown in individual music frames

  • Music frame chains - when 2+ music frames are assigned to the same chain, music flows through them one to the other. Putting frames in their own frame chain prevents this, for instance, as does having multiple frames in the same chain but each frame is large enough to show a whole flow (so each frame in the chain shows a separate flow)
  • Frame selectors - top left of each music frame, allow you to change the frame chain, order, players, and flows associated with that frame.

You can do this as page overrides or on a master page, if you wanted to replicate that particular page in multiple places.

Remember that Dorico will automatically create enough pages to show all the flows assigned to the master page frame chain - by default, that’s usually MA and is the one selected for the big music frame on the Default master page. You can create a fully customized layout by e.g. removing all but one flow from the master page frame chain, then inserting pages manually and drawing layout music frames in for the other flows, using the selectors for each frame to pick what music you want to display.

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Thanks, Lillie.
I just followed and read your links, and tried changing the frame chain and player, but ended up with chaos.

For example, the original coda (#1), on page 2:


. . . was suddenly moved to below the new frame chain (on page 3), and the original page 2 text (#2) was moved up to take the space where the coda had been.

Are there any Dorico videos that deal with this?

Try this one:

It’s from this playlist that overall might be helpful too


Wow, a video is definitely worth several thousand words! Thanks for this – it demonstrates a great deal.

Upon first impression, it looks as though I should follow what the video demonstrates here: How to Work With Frame Chains | Page Layout in Dorico - YouTube .

. . . but it will take a bit of study and experimentation to see if I actually understand it.

In the meantime, thanks for sending me to these videos!

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There is no substitute for practice–and experimentation (on a copy of the file or an excerpt, of course). :man_student:

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Hi again, Lillie;

Trying out one of the techniques in that first video, in which I restrict my MA to Flow 1, create a new Layout music frame and set it to Flow 2.

However, when I import Flow 2 for that new Music frame, it comes in: a) without its chord symbols, and b) without the music frame format that I had originally created for it.

Any idea of what I’m doing wrong?


later: ah . . . perhaps the problem was that I hadn’t exported those flows as flows, but as projects . . . I’ll try that again.
. . . no, that wasn’t the problem: I had no idea that certain players/instruments do not automatically display chord symbols that have been input, when importing them as flows (article 103, section B12, subsection 36a, reference vol 248 . . . :pensive:). Have since changed that, in Setup.

I think it is a bug in Dorico. I was not able to solve this problem.

What exactly were you trying to accomplish?

I am sorry, I was not very friendly and precise. For me it looks impossible to change a frame order on one page without swapping a content written in individual frames. I would appreciate your help. Also I am very frustrating, because it is duplicating my music when creating new frames or unlinking existing frames.

This sounds like something that would require setting up a custom Page Template (or more than one), where one can choose which flow’s music to show in which frame.

Admittedly this can be confusing at first if one has not played with it for a while.

Can you show a picture of what you are aiming for? (This doesn’t have to be created in Dorico; even a scanned sketch or printed example would do.

It would be easiest to advise you how to solve your problem if you can attach the project, Mike, but it sounds like you are meddling with the default music frame on each page. This will cause Dorico to create additional pages using the default page templates in order to make sure that all of the music in the project appears. If you want to freely mix your own music frames but not have Dorico show all of the flows itself, you should go into the Default page template and from the Flows menu deselect the flows that you do not want Dorico to show automatically.