How to Create the Following Rests in a 9/4 Bar

I have a 9/4 bar and I’m trying to re-create the screenshot. I’ve tried using force rest position and duration, but that’s not working either. How do I re-create what’s in the screenshot? Thanks so much!


Start note entry
Force duration on (o)
8 , Y 6 Y 8 Y
End note entry
Add the fermata.

I don’t think our values match up for the note durations.

I’m using the Dorico factory default settings.

Every time I add a whole rest Dorico jumps to the next bar.

I’m not. I made it to where the values matched Finale’s.

You need a 9/4 bar to start with.


Was I supposed to guess that?

@jesele Good suggestion (That was another assumption I had made)

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And you may want to define how Dorico should group the beats, e.g. [4+1+4]/4.

I did. The meter is hidden for a reason.

I did that, and Dorico still jumps to the next bar after inputting a whole rest.

Why don’t you just post your project here (or an excerpt of it)? so we can solve your problem (and end the guesswork) :slight_smile:

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I’ve told you everything that I’ve done. There isn’t any guess work.

It is recommended to post a .dorico project here - to solve problems.
This will help you.

Well, you could’ve asked more nicely in your previous post.

I try to be nice in a language that’s not my mother tongue. I hope I can convince you :slight_smile:

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Prelude and Primal Danse.dorico (766.8 KB)

This what you want?
Edit: there was something funny with the 9/4 bar so changed it to 4/4 and then back again.


Prelude and Primal Danse.dorico (761.8 KB)

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Perfect! How did you do that?

There was something funny with the 9/4 bar so shift-B +5q to add 5 quarters to the bar.
Then as written earlier. Note input mode , to enter rests, o for force duration, select whole note, press y to enter, select quarter, press y to enter and the whole note again and y to enter.
