I have a 9/4 bar and I’m trying to re-create the screenshot. I’ve tried using force rest position and duration, but that’s not working either. How do I re-create what’s in the screenshot? Thanks so much!
Start note entry
Force duration on (o)
8 , Y 6 Y 8 Y
End note entry
Add the fermata.
I don’t think our values match up for the note durations.
I’m using the Dorico factory default settings.
Every time I add a whole rest Dorico jumps to the next bar.
I’m not. I made it to where the values matched Finale’s.
You need a 9/4 bar to start with.
Was I supposed to guess that?
@jesele Good suggestion (That was another assumption I had made)
And you may want to define how Dorico should group the beats, e.g. [4+1+4]/4.
I did. The meter is hidden for a reason.
I did that, and Dorico still jumps to the next bar after inputting a whole rest.
Why don’t you just post your project here (or an excerpt of it)? so we can solve your problem (and end the guesswork)
I’ve told you everything that I’ve done. There isn’t any guess work.
It is recommended to post a .dorico project here - to solve problems.
This will help you.
Well, you could’ve asked more nicely in your previous post.
I try to be nice in a language that’s not my mother tongue. I hope I can convince you
Prelude and Primal Danse.dorico (766.8 KB)
This what you want?
Edit: there was something funny with the 9/4 bar so changed it to 4/4 and then back again.
Prelude and Primal Danse.dorico (761.8 KB)
Perfect! How did you do that?
There was something funny with the 9/4 bar so shift-B +5q to add 5 quarters to the bar.
Then as written earlier. Note input mode , to enter rests, o for force duration, select whole note, press y to enter, select quarter, press y to enter and the whole note again and y to enter.