How to De-click properly in WaveLab?


I wonder how can I remove clicks (noises) from a recording that look like this the proper way in WaveLab Pro 12:

I found this method, but I don’t know if that’s the proper way to do it:

Could you tell me which is the proper way to do it, if this is not?

Thank you.

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The option “InPainting” is the most powerful function.

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I tried that method in first place, but it didn’t remove the click completely, it could still be heard.

Would you have any other suggestion?

Thank you very much for your answer.

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You can try Source at Cursor.

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Get RX12 from RX12 from Izotope

Izotope is an overrated software. For his click removal source at cursor will do the job.

Use “Hyperlink” in the Editor to make a long web adress small…

RX12 from Izotope

regards S-EH

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If this is a true ‘click’: in Waveform Editor … Correction Tab …select about 3 ms of the click … Short Resynthesis … correct error. If it is a large click, obviously you might need to select around it again.

Sometimes in M/S display the correction is easier to manage.

This is essentially what RX (which I also have) does. WL is an under rated tool for stereo file editing after new powerful (and most importantly ‘musically sympathetic’) improvements were made a version or so back.


I looked for your suggestion, but the menu only shows three possibilities:

How can I do it to show them all? (Like this):

Thank you.

Click on the Spectrum Tab

Hello @wavelabpro,

cant find these Options in the Audioeditor under the Spectrum TAB, can you please define where excatly?

Thanks Jonas


In WL 12 there are only the 3 options. This is because WL upgraded the way it performed the tasks.

What I meant was using the cursor, select about 3 ms of the click. Sorry for any confusion.

In earlier versions, like the WL 9.5 had the pull down in your second screenshot. But the algorithms were not as good.


They are in the Correction Tab … not the Spectrum Tab.

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Your picture is from an old WaveLab version, and these options have been replaced.


@Thomas_W_Bethel you can edit your link this way

Thanks I had not used that before. I corrected my post…

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I’m not exactly certain what you’re doing there but it looks interesting. It makes me wonder how many other amazing features are hiding in plain sight?

I tend to avoid lengthy tutorials on YouTube and particularly manuals, preferring brief, straight to the point short video demos.

Thanks for this. I’ll look into it.