How to delete all undesired voice rests


how can I get rid of all the undesired voice rests?
I activated the “Omit bar rests” in the “Rests in Additional Voices” of Notation Options, but everytime I add a second voice to a bar, an enormous amount of previous bars depicts the unwanted rests. I don’t want to select every rest and click on “Remove rest”, there must be a way to prevent them to appear.
Please help.

Look up ‘ends voice’ in the manual. Since you have reverted to a single voice you can mark the end of the second voice. This should fix it. Just one of those Dorico things! :slight_smile:

Or you can Select All, Filter for the voice with the rests and choose Remove Rests!

EDIT: Why this:

is happening, I unfortunately don’t know! You could check if the correct flow is selected in Notation Options.

Select your music in the top stave from bar 2 second beat until the end and hit V.
Or: you may select individual rests and via the Menu>Remove rests

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