How to evenly fill up pages?

Hello! I’ve been writing a piece and am now on the engraving process. However, I can’t find a way to evenly space lines across multiple pages in parts; I either get 1 & 1/2 pages or two pages with a perfect first page and a second page with huge gaps in between bars. My tuba and percussion parts also have a bunch of lines overlapping in parts. Is there a way to fix this?


Hi @abe.budelsky, from screenshots is more difficult to give the best advices. it is always better to post the Dorico project.

But what I would try is, for your first screenshot, to insert (in Engrave mode) a Frame Break on bar 51, and for the second screenshot, to insert a Frame Break at bar 47. This will force the redistribution of the systems into the two pages.

To undo any manual system spacing (to be sure that there are no forced unwanted spacings), in Engrave mode, click menu Engrave > Staff spacing > Reset Layout

If you want to upload your project, we can give more detailed suggestions. (There are possible better global settings that would correct the layout automatically).

If I may say: your uncommonly many Rehersal marks take much vertical space, and look for me a little distracting. Being them indexed with bar numbers, you may want to consider using just bar numbers instead (set for example on every bar, aligned with the barline). Just a suggestion, that you can of course ignore.


Alright, what should I export it as?

@abe.budelsky Just upload the Dorico file itself. You can also just export the two layouts (File>Export>Flows and check the desired layouts) and upload the resulting Dorico files here.

Here it is!
Geese in a Pond - Flow 1.dorico (1.8 MB)
Any suggestions?

When you send it back, perhaps you should re-title it “Ducks In A Row.” :smirk:


What is causing the collisions in the Tuba part are the rehearsal marks that coincide with ritardando lines. Dorico tries to resolve the collisions but do not succeed very well. In Layout Options>Vertical spacing>Minimum gaps, try to uncheck Automatically resolve collisions and you will see what happens.

The Finale Maestro font you use for Rehearsal Marks is making them very tall.
If you revert to the Academico that saves space.

Also if you remove the continuation lines on your gradual tempos, that will allow the RMs to drop down (IMO those continuation lines are unnecessary)

Hi @abe.budelsky, here my modest attempt (as an exercise) to polish the parts layouts, following the advices given in this thread.

Key was here deactivating Automatically resolve collisions between adjacent staves and systems, and increasing the Inter-system spacing in layout options (for some layout I decreased the latter). Then some global note spacing setting for some of the layouts, the mentioned change to Academico for the Rehearsal marks Font, and the Engraving option to stop the dotted lines of gradual Tempo before the barline, and some minor local note spacings adjustments to make more space for some gradual tempo in correspondence with rehearsal marks, (to accommodate automatically the latter near the staff), and some system breaks for example for the percussion, to group the 8 bars structure into single systems.

Hope it can be of some help (I am sure that someone can add his/her further suggestions):

pond-parts layout attempt v02.dorico (1.0 MB)