How to find CC controller number for Colossus plug-in

Hi folks. Firstly, I apologise if this post is in the wrong category … it seemed right, out of the ones I could see. If it’s wrong, perhaps one of the moderators would move it to the right place?
I’m using the Colossus plug-in with Cubase 5, and I’m trying to find out which CC numbers relate to which function ( specifically in this case, the instrument volume ). I’ve tried CC7, CC11, CC22 and CC39, and none of them seem to be right. The really annoying thing is that in the course of trying to figure this out, I set the track to ‘write’ and recorded an on-the-fly change to the instrument volume, which it now responds to when I play the track back. The annoying thing is that I don’t know where that automation is written to ( as I say, none of the above CC numbers appear to apply in this case ) so that I can edit it more precisely. I’ve tried showing all automation for the track in question, but it doesn’t show this! I can’t help thinking I’m missing something really obvious, but if so, I’m blowed if I know what it is. I feel like there must surely, somewhere, be a list of which CC numbers relate to which functions ( given that there are 127 to choose from, it’s godawful cumbersome if you have to go by trial and error each time ). Any guidance would be appreciated.


It might be the parameter is not assigned to any MIDI CC and it’s just automatable.

There might be MIDI assignment map in the plug-in. Or if you right click the parameter, you might see the assignment and be able to set custom assignment. This is the way, how other plug-ins do it.

I didn’t know that was possible, but this explanation does fit the facts. However, I’ve tried right-clicking ( and for that matter, various combinations of ctrl, alt, shift etc. and right-clicking ) and it doesn’t tell me anything. If I could crack that, the problem is solved.

Tried looking in midi list editor?

The way to find this out is by looking in the user manual of your instrument.

Virtual instruments doesn’t necessarily have to have a MIDI CC assigned to each of its functions. It’s up to the developer of the instrument. Some VST Instruments have pre-mapped MIDI CCs, some will let you assign a CC of your choice and some doesn’t support assigning a MIDI CC to a control at all.
What all VST Instruments do support however are VST Parameters. A VST Parameter is kinda like a CC but better. It is not restricted to a 7-bit value (0-127) as MIDI CCs are and therefore can have a much finer resolution. When you activate Write in Cubase you are arming that track for “recording” (or writing rather) VST Parameters. We call this automation. The written data is presented on an Automation Track. Each VST Parameter has its own Automation Track.
Most often Automation can be written by manipulating the controls on the Graphical User Interface but you could also draw the automation data in with the Pen Tool. Another option is to use a MIDI Controller of some kind and establish a relationship between the MIDI Controller’s CC and a VST Parameter. In Cubase this is set up using MIDI Remote.

I think I’m starting to get the idea. Certainly any and every attempt to locate or identify a cc number has so far failed miserably. I ( more or less ) understand the idea of VST Parameters, but having inadvertently written automation using, evidently, one such parameter, how do I now access the information written to that parameter? - Is that all dealt with using MIDI remote ( at the time of writing I’m on my office computer rather than the studio one and therefore haven’t yet had a chance to look into ‘MIDI remote’ … I assume this is something I would have in Cubase 5? ).


Right-click on the track and select “Show Automation for Selected Track” option.

No. MIDI Remote was introduced in Cubase 12. Before that, Generic Remote was used much to the same effect. Generic Remote is still available in later versions of Cubase but has been marked as “legacy”.

This is sort of where we came in. ‘Show automation for selected track’ works fine for all the known cc numbers, but it does not show me the automation which has clearly been stored somewhere, somehow, for the Colossus volume control. If in fact this has been stored to a VST parameter rather than to a cc number, bearing in mind that I’m only using Cubase 5, I still cannot find any way to access or edit that automation. I have indeed tried looking in the MIDI list editor, and no such automation appears there either. It’s beginning to look as though the only option is going to be to just bin that track altogether and open a new one from scratch, which is a huge pain in the ****. It does seem incomprehensible that it would be this hard to locate the automation information in question, but alas, that does appear to be the case.

VST Automation is not MIDI. Do you have a user manual for Cubase 5?
Automation should appear as a track in the Project Window. Here’s an example in Cubase 14:

If you don’t have anything that looks close to the above, try opening the VSTi user interface, activate Write Enable (a red W button), press Play and move one or two of the parameters around.

I’m pleased to say I think I’ve finally got it.
As incredible as I’m sure it will seem to all you seasoned experts, I’ve never had occasion to automate anything other than by use of the cc automation within the MIDI editor window. Having now investigated the tracks in the ‘VST Instruments’ folder, it all becomes clear. I mean, I say this with a sense of optimism: I haven’t tried automating anything other than volume using this method, but I’m cautiously optimistic. It’s confusing when some of the VST instruments can be controlled by cc controllers ( and therefore using the MIDI mixer ) and some can’t, but with a bit more perseverance, at least I’ve got to the root of the original problem.
Thanks to all those of you who have given your help.