How to find the loudest point in an audiofile


This function is not available in Cubase.

too bad ! Thanks!

It’s a marketing trick - not to include all eggs into one cart. The best of the best would be one fully featured DAW, I mean Cubase + Wavelab = exactly what we need in one place. Therefore I bought Wavelab Pro (at last) and am happy.

It would be nice that if I have both licences, I would like to use some essential Wavelab features in Cubase, like this one - Find max peak and other Sound Designer tasks. But as we see here and there - our future is made by people who think we don’t need features we think we need.


I don’t agree. The fully featured DAW is Cubase + Dorico for myself. For my friends it’s Cubase + Absolute.

What I want to say, everyone has different needs, doing different tasks. It’s impossible to have everything in one package.

What I don’t want to say is that this feature wouldn’t be welcome in Cubase. It would be very welcome.

The last sentence is a halfway to heaven! :smiley: Thx, Martin.

Of course everyone has different needs. So maybe better would be if Steinberg go more modular? For example, I have Cubase Pro and Wavelab Pro and it would be great if main features of Wavelab are accessible inside Cubase. The same for Dorico - when I will have Dorico, I would like to have Cubase Score window replaced by Dorico - at least something simplier, but more serious than existing “sh*t” (pardon my French).


This is my dream.