How to get VST Connect to work


This is what you need to know to get vst connect to work ( according to me, right now, this might change as I learn more)

Start by cleaning things up in the “control room”. Do this by going to

Devices - vst connections - choose “studio folder”. and then right click on whatever is there, and choose remove.

Then use the “create vst connect” function

now once again go to Devices - vst connections - choose “studio folder” and route your microphone to your talkback mic. Then press the “add channel” in this window and add a “monitor”. then use the plus sign on the monitor that appears and route your soundcard outputs to the monitor left and right

Then use the “add track” to add a mono-track ( vst connects for some reason gives you a stereo-channel as default)
then route its input to the “vst connect Left - input”. you can then delete the "“performer rec” stereo- channel that “create vst connect” created.

Now its time to fix the monitor for your performer. Go to devices → mix console. Here press the “racks” button and choose the “cue sends” so that they are visible in the mixer. Now press “cues” on the mixer so that the “cues” are expanded. Now "activate cue send " on each channel you want your perfomer to hear. Also set the levels on each channel so that the perfomer hear what they should hear at correct levels. ( you might want to change this later, if the performer wishes things to be different)

Now connect online with your perfomer.

Its time to set things up so that the systems don’t crash, and that the signals are syncronised.
Working with the “remote delay seconds” and upstream and downstream audio and video settings is now crucial.
AND the way to do this, is to press play so that the bar graphs starts to show up. YES the manual explains this, but very vague, with the following sentence: “The two bar graphs show how well the two partners are synchronized during playback and recording”

SO, that means, press play so that the bars show up, then experiment with different settings and make sure that the bars are high up. Basically you can increase the “remote delay settings” to compensate for bad connection, and/or higher video and audio settings. Also, sometimes when you change settings, you need to press stop and then play again to find out how the change really affected the system, because sometimes after a change of settings you will get inaccurate, or at least temporary, bar displays. So press stop and then press play again.

So for example if you want to have better video quality you might have to increase the “remote delay seconds” setting to compensate for this. You want the bars to be all the way up, so work with the settings until this is achieved. Once again, the bars will not be visible unless you are in play or record mode.

If your performer uses Direct monitoring you can use a high buffer size, otherwise you will have to use a low buffersize so that the performer will not hear him or herself with delay, thus having a hard time to play in time.
512 could be low enough, 256 and 128 works too. ( the settings that are lower will cause more stress on the performer’s system, but if it works it works, and the lower settings will give the performer less latency which is a good thing)

when you want to speak to your perfomer, activate the talkback button. ( on the vst connect window)

Now just record enable your track and you should be good to go.

Whenever tracks are added which you want the performer to hear you need to go into the mixer to activate the cue send for that particular channel, or the performer wont hear it, despite you hearing it.

please give some feedback if this helps you :slight_smile:

This sounds rather complex.
If you take the default Control Room configuration, “Create VST Connect”, route your mic to the Talkback channel and you’re done. Then set up Remote Latency if and only if you have dropouts in your connection. The 2 bar graphs each show 1/2 second of buffered audio as the manual explains.
If you really want to start from scratch in the control room and remove all items, start by adding the Monitor channel, set this to your speakers, and again apply “Create VST Connect” and again connect your mic to TB. That’s it.
Once you’ve done this successfully, you should save that configuration in the VST Connections/Studio Tab.
In general: many problems arise because when something doesn’t work, people tend to mess with settings that they don’t understand. I made it a habit that when I try things and don’t know exactly how it works, if it doesn’t improve the situation, set it back to what it was before!