How to increase Editor window waveform contrast

Can someone help me? The Project windows colors are perfect but how to increase the contrast in the lower zone waveform? I can change the backround but not the waveform.
I´ve seen in another PC that the waveform takes the track color but I don´t know how to get that either,.

I solved it: had to play with the Editor grid lines colors and the waveform colors appeared!
Don´t ask me why…

I changed the grid line colours - and that´s exactly what happened. The waveform in the lower zone was still as grey as ever. Would you mind posting a screenshot of your new waveform and your settings?

this is how they look now:

Editor area backround:

Cycle region:

Grid lines:

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thanks for sharing. I was wondering if there is an additional and “secret” way to color the track in the editor zone. Cubase is so full of features, I guess I will never fully get to know all there is.
Anyways, in this case Cubase just changed the things that are shown in your screenshot. My guess is that the colour of the waveform has propably changed due to the opened/closed vari audio folder on the left hand side in the inspector. It must have been opened before and then you closed it. Right?

it wasn´t related to Variaudio in my case.

Oh, so the colour of the wave does not turn to greyish if you open the vari audio folder like that??

yes but my issue happened without activating Variaudio.

You don´t have to activate vari audio (although the de-colouring to grey should happen here, too) - all you need to do is open the folder in the inspector: The moment you do that all waveforms will turn into grey as a sort of preparation for the coloured vari audio magic to happen in the foreground. De-colouring the waveform simply helps to put the focus on the vari audio analysis.
If you unfold the vari audio folder again the waveforms in the editor window will adapt to the colour you have chosen for this particular track in the project window.
Anyways, no need to go any further. I still can´t reproduce your setting on my side; the grid colour still effects the grid colour and so on. However, if it works for you the way you describe it - all good! As long as you´re happy with your solution and it works - why bother? Enjoy, mate:)