How to Input fingering slides

Searching for “fingering slides” in the manual leads me to

I can’t find instructions how to input such slides. Maybe I’m blind.

Help is apreciated.

Fingering slides are something you can hide/show on fingerings, instructions here in the most recent 3.5 manual. That is also the next page in the manual you linked to (shown with a > arrow at the bottom right of the page), and there’s also related link to it at the bottom left of that page.

Steinberg manuals are segmented such that clarifying information about objects or concepts are separate from the specific sets of steps required to perform different actions/modifications you can do to those objects.

Tank you, Lillie

Now I got it. I was looking for a pop-up or key command to enter these slides. I didn’t understand what the text in the manual said at the first glance: switch it on and off in the properties panel. Now having read it again it’s clear.

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