Driving reMIDI 4 from Cubase, all works very well with the proviso that you have to continue to hold down the key on your keyboard or the pad on your control surface in order for reMIDI to continue to play.
Highly desirable would be one-touch operation (touch and forget) whereby the last note received is held down (for you, so to speak) by Cubase until you touch-to-send the next note.
IOW, note latching.
Is there a way in Cubase 14 Pro to achieve note latching?
I think most devices nowadays send dedicated Note Off messages and not a Note On with Velocity = 0.
Unfortunately the Input Transformer doesn’t allow you to filter only Note Off.
MIDI Off (or equivalent) messages are needed in the stream, its just that you don’t want them generated when you let go of a key/pad, rather you want the MIDI Off to be postponed until the next key/pad is touched.
Unless Chord Pads, as @Martin.Jirsak mentioned, can be used as a workaround, I don’t think there any features in Cubase that can accommodate what you’re looking for.
If you’re on Windows, there are 3rd party tools that would be able to enable such behavior.
I’m thinking about another workaround. You could filter out Note Off messages. Then once you receive the next MIDI Note, you could send MIDI CC 123 (All Notes Off). The question is, if this would switch only the previous Note Off, or even the new one.