Hi everyone,
I have a melody in one part that I want to keep visible in the Key Editor as a guide while I work on a separate part to add chords. I’ve opened both parts in the Key Editor and selected the new part as the active one. My goal is to add chord notes to the active part while using the melody as a visual reference.
The problem is that when I click on a spot to add a note to the active part, if there’s already a note from the melody part at that location, Cubase interacts with the melody part instead. It either selects the note or moves it, which is not what I want.
I’ tried enabling “Part Editing Mode > Active Part Only”, which helps with bulk actions like selecting all notes or adjusting velocities, but it doesn’t stop Cubase from letting me accidentally interact with notes in the other parts when I click to add notes. The only way I found so far is to create notes somewhere else and then drag them into place, but this is kinda inefficient.
What I’m looking for is a way to completely lock the other parts so they are visible but non-interactive, basically a read-only mode for non-active parts. I’m not sure if this feature already exists, but I cant find it. If it does, and someone could point me to how to enable it, I would be really grateful, and it would help a ton. Thanks