How to make different voices different colors in midi editor?

Hi. I know how to manually make note heads have different colors in the score editor of Dorico, but how do I make the different voices different colors in the midi editor/play section?
Also, is there a way to make different voices in different colors and not having to do this manually in the score editor?

Have you checked here?


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Yes, that solved my second quiestion! :slight_smile: But it didn’t color the midi in the same way. Want to color the voices here as well, as it is for teaching purposes.

If you wan’t the colors in the PDF or print, check View Options


Not sure if that’s possible. Don’t work in Play mode very much.


Yes, I know about that, and print with color and as PNG as I find that flexible to use as graphics in videos :slight_smile: Thank you though.

You can set the score colors under Preferences->Colors.


Me neither, and there fore I am not very skilled in this part of Dorico. I do most of my midi in Cubase usually. But, I would like to be able to record and show my midi data without having to convert it to Cubase and having an extra step, for teaching.

Thank you, yes, I know about that menu (cmd+,), but it only applies to notes and not midi as it seems. It would be great to be able to get the same colors on midi voices as note voices


