How to move events grid relative in Cubasis

I asked you if your team knows a way of moving an event vertically without also moving it horizontally. You didn’t answer that.

Hi @Erik_VandenBolt,

Thanks for your message.

I asked you if your team knows a way of moving an event vertically without also moving it horizontally. You didn’t answer that.

Cubasis does not include a grid relative option as of yet. Alongside, we’ve demonstrated the available grid options.

What kind of answer do you expect?


The answer is quite simple: Cubasis has a “hidden” grid which is smallest subdivision of the beat Cubasis can make. Every edit you do is tied in with this “grid”. E.g every split you make will be on one of the subdivisions of the beatIf zoom in to the max, you can use this “ grid” to move your audio event vertically and you see it jump to another subdivision of the beat if you are moving it horizontally…. An answer you could have come up with!
I do feel that you didn’t really put any effort into answering my question. I’m rather disappointed in your willingness to help me out and you just left me in the hands of some troll that didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.

Erik, I read the entire discussion and I’m affeaid im the only one who actually gets you. Lars can go on vacation, he needs it so bad. And here I can’t help you so if you hope for a solution you won’t find it. But I will explain T everybody what the problem is. It’s deeper than the grid. It’s cultural! Let’s not forget that cUbase is German. And not only made in Germany, I mean real German. Guys don’t really be recording music over there so they wouldn’t know what a musical problem is , what’s for how to solve it. All they care is when they gon leave their cubical and go drink beer and watch bundesliga. So even if u try help them help you to improve their product, they simply don’t care. Cuz they Germans. So just get a computer and a pro tools license and make ur music