I also downloaded Ben’s library, which consists of French Baroque ornaments, but it doesn’t appear in Dorico. I really appreciate any help you can provide. Esther
Can you give a bit more detail? Which ornament are you trying to add? The only one that looks like a parenthesis is the arpeggio curve. Is that it?
Do you mean “Ben’s Early Music Bundle” from Scoring Notes? That consisnts of early music Clefs and a font for editorial symbols with brackets around them. I don’t think there are any French Baroque symbols. Have you followed the instructions in the Read Me file? These show you how to install the .doricolib files correctly.
Thanks so much for your quick reply concerning this issue. The French viol trill ornament symbol “)” is different from the arpeggio curve–it’s mirrored “(” I have it downloaded the “)” from SMuFL and made them appear in the Baroque ornaments panel. Still, it allows me to position only to the top and bottom, but not right next to the note.
Yes, I meant “Ben’s Early Music Bundle” from Scoring Notes. I have looked and followed the instructions in the Read Me file, but I can’t locate “DefaultLibraryAdditions” anywhere, and I use a MacBook Pro.
As it say, you have to create that folder in the full filepath described, if it’s not already there.
Would the former not feasible at all? I’ve been struggling with this issue and can’t figure out at all.
Also, I am Dorico’s newbie and, unfortunately, not tech-savvy. I’ve been reading several places that discuss “DefaultLibraryAdditions” but can’t find any solutions to my problem. I’m pretty lost here. Would you kindly send me a link(s) to those forum topics discuss this issue or send me directions? Thanks so much.
Can you explain this ? You can only download a whole font, not a single glyph; and you can’t add anything to the Ornaments panel. You can create a Playing Technique, though. Is that what you’ve done?
From the PDF file that comes with Ben’s Early Music Bundle:
Both/either of these .doricolib files must be placed in the following location:
Mac: <user>/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 5/DefaultLibraryAdditions/
Win: C:\Users*youraccount*\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Dorico 5\DefaultLibraryAdditions\
If the DefaultLibraryAdditions folder is not already there, you will have to create it.
Yes, I’ve created a Playing Technique and it appeared in the panel and then somehow it appeared in Baroque ornaments panel but it got disappeared when I was keep trying. Please see the screenshot; did you mean to upload those .doricolibfiles to that?
That’s a picture of Steinberg’s Download Assistant app. That’s not involved at all in adding the .doricolib files.
If all fails you can do what I’ve often done and edit two of the jazz ornaments that are positioned similarly, such as “doits” or “scoops”, and replace them with parentheses. This is done through the music symbol editor in the Library menu. Ben’s offering is of course much more comprehensive.