How to remove a plugin from a MixConsole?

The "no plugin option doesn’t appear stickied on top of the list if the plugin I’m trying to remove sits somewhere in the middle of a mile long plugin list.

I don’t see a quick way to remove it in this situation, tried dragging it out of the window, but doesn’t work.
For example here, I’m trying to remove RCompressor… I have to scroll up through 500 Waves plugins to get to the top where it has “no effect” option.
Is there a way to sticky this “no plugin” so that it’s always on top?

Use the Delete key. Not sure if this works in all versions.

Delete key does work directly in the rack but there is no obvious indication of which insert is selected so you need to be a little cautious.
If you’re in the list backspace followed by return also works (backspace selects no plugin, return actions it.

Click and drag away the plugin outside the list, then release the left mouse button

Ahh yes…drag does work, it only looks like it’s not going to because you get the no entry sign.

It doesn’t work the way you’ve shown. I have other channels filling out the entire window. If I drag it outside, it just moves that plugin to whatever other channel.

And DEL doesn’t work.

That’s only happening because you are dragging it to a place where someone might want to move it. Don’t drag it over other Inserts because it will move them there. Drag it up to the Menu Bar or down to the faders. Anywhere it shows a circle do not enter symbol you can drop it and it will go away.


Insert drag to remove

In the search field you can always type something like “no e” in order to set the “no effect” highlighted and then press enter. That is if you don’t want the mouse to drag&drop as other users already suggested.

Another way, is to click in the insert slot (the “e” button or more generally on the name) in order to have the plugin window visible and then hit “Delete” or “Backspace” (This won’t work upon the initial stage of adding the plugin).

On track’s inserts alt+click on an empty insert slot and drag it to the occupied insert slot. This will make it empty.

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Maybe break them up into dedicated folders, eg Dynamics, EQ etc?

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good one

Yeah, this one works for duplicating plugins on inserts.
This is what it will do for my previous suggestion, it will duplicate the empty slot