How to select instrumet on external midi-instrument in cubase 12

Hi Guys. About 6 moths ago I updatede my old Cubase 5 to Cubase 12.

I have not used Cubase 12 a lot, but during the last month I have tryed it again.

There is a long tec devolement from 5 to 12, and I have Great problems with the midipart. I Cubase 5 I used to call the different voices with codes from the list editor, but now it seem, that you are supposed to call them via usb midi.
My midi setup is ok, but how do I get to choose the different instruments?
I am using a Yamaha Mox8 as external midi.


This feature remains the same. You can send Program Change and Bank Select MSB+LSB MIDI Message from List Editor, or Key Editor the very same way, you did it in Cubase 5.

It doesn’t meter, if the destination is any direct MIDI or USB/MIDI Port.