How to set size of zoomed track?

You know when we hit “z” the selected track is zoomed.
How can I decide the SIZE of the zoom?

I guess you would be looking for the zoom track menu. you figure it out quickly enough when trying the options there :slight_smile:

Control+Up/Control+Down works for me, for the currently selected track. (Not sure if it’s a default key command or if I tampered with it though, and I can’t check right now)

in shortcut config just change “Z” from zoom menue to edit menue to the function having same name.
then you can change the zoomed track size with mouse.

I know all the solutions you suggest.
But I’m looking for a way to determine the size of the zoom when I hit z.
You know: hit one key and get what I need!

I don’t know how or if we can change the width of exclusive zoom. It doesn’t stick if you try and change it, it goes from modified, to big again, to normal.

What seems to REMEMBER the zoom you’ve set once is Edit: Enlarge Selected Track.

The downside is that every time you fire it a pop-up notifies you that you have activated it / deactivated it.

that’s what I statet already before. And that’s what I live with for years successfully :smiley:

The downside is that every time you fire it a pop-up notifies you that you have activated it / deactivated it.

IMO that’s no “downside” at all - it’s good to know.

Oops, sorry mate, now that I read your post again I understood.

IMO that’s no “downside” at all - it’s good to know.

Eh, I can see the track become almost double in size than before, do I really need a pop-up to tell me it’s activated? :laughing:

I think I saw there are two “enlarge selected track” keycommands available, but both do the same thing? They seem connected? One in edit menu, one inside preferences. Change one and the other changes too. Should it be that way?