How to uninstall the eLicenser Control Center on a mac?

I’m trying to help my elderly dad get his old Cubase (Artist 6) working because the license disappeared on its own and the program won’t start. (I tried to run the maintenance on the eLicenser but most things won’t go through, it’s presumably too old (version Typing in the old license string doesn’t work either, I get an error “Currently, there is no eLicenser connected to your computer…”

I would like to uninstall the eLicenser Control Center and install a newer one that still works in this very old mac (OS X 10.7.5). But I’m not a mac user and there are no instructions on how to properly uninstall the eLicenser Control Center.

So I’m asking: What’s the best way to uninstall the eLicenser Control Center. The following instructions ( ) don’t explain the details, it only says: " Please use the uninstaller that comes with the latest eLicenser Control Center version (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)". Ok, but how? How to access the uninstaller?


The uninstaller is part of the installer. Once you download the installer, you will find the uninstaller in.

Ok excellent, I will try that tomorrow.