How to upgrade to Spectral Layers Pro 11 from SL 11.0.40?

I’ve been using the free SL Pro 11 version lately. Now I want to buy it.
I have Cubase Pro 14 with SL 11.0.40 already. So, where I’m I upgrading from?

There is no upgrade path from the reduced version coming with Cubase. You need to buy a new full SL Pro license.


Thanx for the info. :slight_smile:

Dear Steinberg friends,

I have not uploaded my new Cubase 14 Pro (upgrade from 13 Pro) to my computer yet, but, as I shop away this fine Black Friday weekend, I have decided that I want to purchase Spectralayers 11 Pro (for Black Friday sale) and, my understanding is that my new Cubase 11 Pro actually comes with something called “Spectralayers Go 11”…? Is that right? Whatever it’s actually called, my concern is to upgrade that included Sprectralayers package to the biggest, baddest version of Spectralayers, which should be Spectralayers 11 Pro. Does that make sense? Basically, how do I do that? From what I’ve gathered here, it’s going to be full price…? Really…?? Am I to believe that this Cubase 14 Pro included version is worth essentially nothing in terms of an upgrade and that, to get the biggest, baddest Spectralayers product, Spectralayers 11 Pro, I will need to just go and buy it at full price from Steinberg?!? …so, I’m not really upgrading the product at all…I’m just having to buy it at top dollar because the included Cubase version isn’t really a version at all, and it’s not thought of as anything from which one could upgrade. Boy, the complimentary version must really suck then. Personally, I feel like Cubase owners should be able to get this product at some special discount, for Gosh sakes. I realize it is a standalone product, separate and apart from Cubase (although it can integrate through …ARA, is it…? I’m guessing here, I don’t know what “ARA” actually is, I realize?). Not to get distracted… Spectralayers is not Cubase, but still, customers that own Cubase 14 PRO (and Wavelab 12 PRO, as well in my case) really ought to qualify for some sort of “upgrade path” or “crossgrade” or “loyalty offer”, as NI likes to call it. At least, that’s how I see it.

The full price of the Black Friday, Spectralayers 11 Pro deal is $179.99, I believe. But, there are 40% discounts on top of that for owners of any version of Spectralayers itself (owners of SL versions: 10, 9, 8, etc. and Elements). Yet, loyal, up to date “Cubasers” and “Wavelabers”-- PROs all here!–can’t get a penny lower than any tone-deaf bloke off the street that wants to purchase Spectralayers 11 Pro this weekend just to mess around with. I think that sucks, Steinberg, to be completely honest.

Of course, please let me know if I am mistaken here? I often am! So I pose these questions and my comment here with the utmost of humility. Thank you all.

There’s no upgrade path because SpectraLayers Go 11 is a free version bundled with Cubase. I personally get $0 for each SpectraLayers Go 11 that is shipped with Cubase. While it has some interesting capabilities by itself, it’s rather meant as an incentive to go to the pro version.