How to use the mediaplayer?

A few questions appeared after I understood that it´s a “module” (which I never used before):
Can I make it play a list of songs or is it just to play one song per module?
(I just could import ONE file on the left - audio - slot)
Is it possilble to play that mentioned list of songs and show a video file (without sound of course) at the same time…or show an image at the same time.
I´d like to use those features for the breaks between the sets.
Thanx in advance :innocent:

Hi @Volker_Petersen ,
just one file/type/module (so no “list of songs”), means 1xAUDIO + 1xVIDEO.
Currently you need to fire and stop the MediaPlayer for yourself (or automate it), the module currently doesn’t listens to song changes yet.

Dear Felician,
Thank you very much!
Your answer saved me from wasting more time on this.
So I might put a series of songs into one long file…

Basically why not (if you use it for eg entrance music of gig coffe break music).