How to work in Engrave mode?

I’ve created my first Dorico project entirely in Galley view. Now I need to learn how the engraver mode works. What’s the quickest magical way to make these systems fit the pages reasonably?

As you can see, some are too largely spaced, covering the whole page with unnecessary amount of space between staves, and some pages have a huge gap at the bottom. This is what I got by default.

If I were on Finale, I would “resize the pages” to %80 or so, and automatically I’d get two systems per page (that’s what I want here). Then there’d be a bunch of checking and tweaking collided items. I’m happy that Dorico automatically avoids such collisions. Now I’m wondering if it can fix this situation without me having to adjust all those boxes one by one?

Layout options >Vertical spacing >Justification and Ideal gaps is the way to go! Don’t touch anything in Engrave mode before you’ve played with those settings for ten-thirty minutes. Because once ypu understand their power, it will be a massive time-saver!!!

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The staff size control is at Layout Options > Page Setup > Space Size.

Thank you so much Marc! That was very useful:)

Thank you so much Mark! Your suggestion together with Marc’s did the trick:) Now I don’t know which message to give the “solution” to! :sweat_smile:

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Haha! I think Marc’s was more informative. (Mine can be looked up easily.)