How/When shall I receive the Cubase LE 12 upgrade from LE 11 e-licencer

Thank you!
It was very helpful!

Thankyou @Matthias_Quellmann !! :pray:

Hi @Matthias_Quellmann
Would you please help me to upgrade my Cubase LE license?
Thank you!

Hi @Matthias_Quellmann
I also have an e-license activated for cubase le 11, could you please upgrade my license ?
Also is it possible to use this license with latest cubase le version?
Thank you!

Hi, @Matthias_Quellmann
I also need help how to upgrade LE 11 to LE13 or 14? thank you.

Hi, @Matthias_Quellmann
The same. Also need to upgrade to LE 14? lease help ! thank you!

Hello @Matthias_Quellmann I was wondering if you might be able to help please, or point me in the right direction.

Reading the above and researching on the site, I have been using Cubase AI 4 (and have a license for AI 6 too) for some time and have seen that the e-licenser will be retired next year. I am concerned that I may have difficulty using the product after this time. I have downloaded the Steinberg Download Assistant to migrate to, however I canā€™t seem to get my license to show in there. Is it possible for my existing license to be upgraded to AI 14, or whichever is able to show on the Download Assistant, please? Many Thanks.

@zingbah @Paolo_Duncan @alsonline @ahmetb @MarkZ, I have updated you licenses. Enjoy!


Hi @Matthias_Quellmann Thank you so much, I have downloaded it and it is all working. Really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much @Matthias_Quellmann

Hi, @Matthias_Quellmann
Can you please help me upgrade my Cubase LE11 to LE13? Iā€™ve tried everything and I gave up. Thanks!

Hello @Matthias_Quellmann :slightly_smiling_face:

can you plz provide me an upgrade key from 11 LE to 13 LE?!

sadly never received the upgrade mail, too :confused:

thanks in advance and get good into next year :smiley:

Happy New Year!

@lothnik @reelgirly, I have added the latest Cubase LE to your account. Enjoy!

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just installed, working :smiley:

very nice, thank you,
and happy new year :call_me_hand:t2::rainbow::two_hearts:

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Thank you @Matthias_Quellmann! Everything is working now.
Happy new year and cheers to you!

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Greetings again.
I guess it is the fourth time I send a reply to this topic (over the span of more than a year), all with sufficient explanation within (11 to 13 Cubase AI update, no mail received about e-licenser to steinberg licensing update).

Given that you were unable to provide help, can you please explain at least why I didnā€™t qualify as the other gentlemen above?

Hi @atayardimci97, I have added a Cubase AI to your account. If I have missed your previous post, please bear with me.

Hi!! I 'm newbie here. I need to migrate my Cubase AI LE 11 Licences from eLinceser to Steinberg Activation Manager but I did not found any voucher in my user . How can I fix it ?

Hi @Matthias_Quellmann, I received a license for Cubase LE 11 from a hardware manufacturer. I would very much like to keep using Cubase but I hadnā€™t received any upgrade mails. Could you please help me upgrade it to LE 14?
Thank you

Hi @Matthias_Quellman i have cubase AI LE 11 from Yamaha hardware , and I need to migrate the licences from e-licencer to Steinberg Actication manager could you please help me!!!