Hub not connecting on Win 7 Cubase 8

Left side of my Steinberg Hub in Cubase 8 on Windows 7 does not connect. I have checked the Use Hub box in Preferences.

My internet connection works just fine on this computer.

Any ideas how to fix ?


And is there any way to access the HUB once you have passed the initial bootup screen and gone into a Project ?

BTW the Hub does not connect on my Cubase 7 either…


Hitting File>New Project should open the Project Assistant and the Hub if you have it checked in the preferences like you said.

Did the hub ever work for you?

I ask because, around here the “Hub” has it’s good and bad hair days. Meaning, sometimes it connects and there are periods when it doesn’t. I think it is related to issues on the Steinberg server side of things. Just make sure your version of Windows and CB are up to date for the best shot at fixing this.

Regardless, it’s rare when I find anything posted in the “news” section of the hub that is timely. So Typically I’ll only use the hub when I want to see things in the “New Features” section. Also, I find that my CB starts faster without loading the hub.

Regards :sunglasses:

For a solution please refer to this post: Steinberg Forums

To access the Hub once you have closed it press + , or click on Hub (names vary in different Cubase versions) in the menu bar.