As the title says, I accidentally deleted the stock Pro Tools key command preset. I desperately need it back. It has to be hiding on my system somewhere, I’m sure. I’m running macOS Ventura (yes, I know. It’s old.) Can anyone help me, please?
On my end (Windows 10 based system), in the \Programs folder, there is a Steinberg\Cubase14\Presets\KeyCommands subfolder, in which the default Pro Tools Key Commands.xml file is set. Check to see if this one isn’t still existing.
If not, maybe you have an older Cubase version : this file is located in exactly the same place with Cubase 11, 12 and 13 versions : I guess that these are the same, at least for 12 and 13 (they have the same size, at least).
Just in case, here is mine :
Pro Tools KeyCommands.xml (174.9 KB)
Thanks @cubic13. Unfortunately, the filesystem structure is completely different on macOS. However, I did find where they are:
All of the factory-shipped key command XML files are in there. Now I just have to figure out how to get it to show back up in the presets menu in Cubase Key Command editor. I’ve tried copying it out, renaming, and copying it back in. No dice. I will update my solution here once I figure it out.
Figured it all out. You can use the following steps to recover any lost factory key command set–just replace the “Pro Tools Key Commands.xml” with whatever one you want to recover. Step follow, and assume you are comfortable with Terminal.
Logging it here for posterity’s sake, and this requires you are somewhat savvy with Terminal/bash/zsh in macOS:
- Open “Terminal” app
- Quit Cubase 14
- Type the following commands into Terminal:
# Navigate into the directory where the factory Key Command XML files are
cd /Applications/Cubase\
# List the contents
# My output looks like this
Ableton Live Key Commands.xml Logic Pro Key Commands.xml Pro Tools Key Commands.xml Sonar Key Commands.xml
# Make a copy of the factory Pro Tools Key Commands.xml file to your Desktop
cp Pro\ Tools\ Key\ Commands.xml ~/Desktop/
# Copy this to the users preferences path for Key Commands
cp ~/Desktop/Pro\ Tools\ Key\ Commands.xml ~/Library/Preferences/Cubase\ 14/Presets/KeyCommands/
- Restart Cubase 14
- Go to your Key Commands menu, and confirm the
Pro Tools Key Commands
preset is present