I bought Cubase 2nd hand and I can't register the dongle

according to the instructions, this is done in the license itself

Which instructions? You need to use the Steinberg Activation Manager

Now I’m downloading the activation manager. I’ll try.

Hello. I’m happy for the half processing if I’m helping with something.
But we going to the finish with you.
Can you doing some screenshots? For us, with your problems.

And like steinberg told for us last time,
You must download steinbergs download assistant and steinberg activation manager.
After you login with your name and password there. But usb elicenser most plugged in.
And there after you can see your grace period update to C12 with your download code.

yes, I’m trying now. literally a couple of minutes, we are here again sirens outside the window are bombing the city and the Internet is stupid, that’s why it takes so long. I try.


working!!! I updated!!! Steve was right!

Steve you were right, you should have just installed the Steinberg Activation Manager and entered your key into the window!!! thanks!!!

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It’s all so simple when you know what to do.

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Так дуже вам вдячний!!! низкий уклін за допомогу в таку піздню годину. Ще раз ДЯКУЮ!!!
So very grateful to you !!! a low bow for help at such a late hour. Thank you again!!!

All the best to you and your country.

Thanks! Peace and tranquility to all of us!

Не за что друг. Я Белорус, но живу в Швеции уже 25 лет.
Если что обращайся.
No problem buddy :+1:
I’m happy if we helps you.

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дякую я чомусь так і думав що десь сусіди)

Спасибо. Ok :+1:

Martin, the link you posted is the starting point for the resale wizard, but if you actually click the “Start Resale Wizard” button, that brings you a message that says, “The Resale Wizard is currently being revised. Please try again later.”

It’s been like this for at least several days. :disappointed:

I guess contacting Steinberg directly is the only way to get traction on issues like this right now. Glad OP got his problem sorted!