I was trying to graphically move a Figured Bass number in Engrave Mode on my iPad. It wasn’t possible to drag the number with the finger and also not with the pencil.
I then noticed in the Property Panel, that I could define Offsets for the number. They do actually work, but: I can not input negative values. And: I can’t input a value higher than 1. If I move the value in the pop up panel let us say to 1 1/8 and press Ok, the 1 gets ignored and I end up with 1/8. Same, if I enter 1 1/2 I will end up with 1/2.
Is there a solution to this already?
When you tap into a numeric control in the Properties panel, you should end up with a special numeric entry popover appearing, and you should be able to enter any valid number in there. I assume this isn’t appearing?
Daniel, yes the special panel appears, but there is no minus, nor can I seem to be able to input numbers above one.
The following example project I then opened on my desktop, dragged the “3” in place with the mouse in Engrave Mode, very easy.
Reopening it afterwards on the iPad the “3” is still at it’s new place and the Property shows a negative value for the x offset -1 5/8.
If I tap that value, I do get the panel. It is somehow not functional. Doesn’t recognise my input. Even runs higher and higher, spinning very fast, without my interference. This I can only stop by hitting “Cancel”. The interaction with this panel is definitely flaky on my iPad.
I especially avoided the pencil, as it seems to somehow switch input mode to a different keyboard (like iOS). I might have to add, I am not using an attached keyboard, just tap and touch…
Figured bass example.dorico (616.8 KB)