I cannot figure out how to enable chord symbol playback

I know this has come up before. Per Enabling chord symbol playback

  1. I click the speaker-icon in the chords track.
  2. I expand the chords track to show the sound supposed to be used.
  3. I make sure the port and channel for chords is different than that for the melody.
  4. I press play
  5. Melody plays fine - no chord sounds

Thanks, all and happy new year!

That page is for an older version of Dorico – here’s the equivalent page for Dorico 5.1.

If that still doesn’t help, and reapplying the playback template you’re using doesn’t help either, perhaps share your project or further information: what sounds are you using, for example?

CHill_Tongues_of_Fire_01082025-mostly_redacted_for_Dorico_forum.dorico (970.9 KB)

I’ve removed most of the music, and yes, I still have the same playback issue. smh for using the 3.5 instructions earlier - I’m sure it’s something I’m doing or not doing. Thanks, all!