When I double click on the insert plugin nothing happen. The GUI does not appear and I am unable to edit it . What have I done wrong? I am assuming it is my fault. Any ideas?
what happens when you hit the small “e” symbol?
Switch off Constrain Plugin Compensation.
Johnny’s always one step ahead!
Thatcertainly sounds like a solution. I will be in the studio tomorrow. I had a stroke nearly 6 months ago and what with C 14 and a new Apollo Twin X I am finding that I have forgotten a lot of stuff as well as having to learn new stuff, plus a number of guitars I can no longer play. Yes! I am living in interesting times!
Thanks for the replies.
That sucks. Wishing you all the best.
Also ensure, you see the Inserts, not the Routing in the Channel Settings Window, please
Thank you it does suck , but it could have been so much worse. it will be a lot of work but hopefully I will get the guitar playing back and I will have learned not to be so self critical. I was much better than I allowed myself to think. As Joni said “You don’t know what you have got till it’s gone.” A good lesson to remember, so stop beating yourselves up!
You were right, so thank you very much. it always is something simple and obvious after the fact.