I can't see "end of Line" in repeat ending

I am working my way through the first steps and now I wanted to make a closed second ending, but I can’t see the possibility

. What am I doing wrong?

Welcome to the forum @dietrichschnabel !

You are doing nothing wrong at all – the guide has let you down, I’m afraid. That property is now in Engrave mode – switch over to Notensatz modus and it should be there waiting for you. Apologies for the error!


Thank you very much!

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Thanks I was having exactly the same problem.

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Welcome to the forum @nboisvert – the guide has now been updated, so the latest version on the steinberg.help website should now be accurate.

Oh thanks! I just downloaded and printed the whole thing 2 days ago… are there many other changes? Or a list of errata?

Just that and correcting the menu depths for some options on the Edit menu that should have been listed with a “Notations” submenu category.

There will be a couple of other additions coming soon – a clarification that the guide is written from the point of view of “duration before pitch” note input, and perhaps a clarification that just because the guide doesn’t describe MIDI keyboard input, that doesn’t mean Dorico doesn’t support it.

OK I see the update in the Guide but I’m still not seeing it on the screen. Here’s a screen shot of what I see in Engrave mode

If you want a closed second ending, you could set this globally in Engraving Options:

OK thanks for that. But shouldn’t there be an option to modify just one line?

Please and thank you.

Yes, it’s in the properties panel of Engrave mode. If the corresponding repeat ending is still selected from Write mode, you need to deselect it and select it again in Engrave mode. Now the missing property should appear.

Aaaah thank you. All those little things that are so not obvious when getting started.

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