I do not like: Clarinet (B Flat). Clarinet in Bb is better for me. HOW?

Sorry for asking this again. Have searched the forum and the menus.
Is there an option for always getting the instrument label: Clarinet in Bb when creating a new transposing instrument.
I remember (??) there is. Or …

Your default part First Master Page probably contains the {@layoutName@} token, in the top left corner. The header on your default Default Master Page probably also contains the {@layoutName@} token. Replace the {@layoutName@} token with the {@StaffLabelsFull@} token and you will get whatever appears to the left of the stave in the Full Score.

Alternatively, rename your layouts by hand, by double-clicking in the right panel of Setup mode, using {@flat@} where you want a flat. That probably takes longer if you’ve got more than a couple of transposing instruments.

Dear Pianoleo
Once again you save my evening - and time in my rewriting of old scores (From Sibelius) to Clarinet-ensemble. All transposing clarinets - of course.
Yours Arne

If you’re working on a few of these sorts of projects, set up one the way you like it, then save it somewhere safe and reuse it as the basis for future projects. At the very least, export your Master Page Sets (bottom right corner of Engrave mode) and then import them into future projects - it’ll save you the work changing those tokens on every project.

Dear Pianoleo
Once again you save my evening - and time in my rewriting of old scores (From Sibelius) to Clarinet-ensemble. All transposing clarinets - of course.
Yours Arne

Also here in the forum it is convenient to re-use. :smiley: