I finally fixed the CPU spikes I was getting with Cubase Pro 10!

The steinberg forum parallel universe, where arrogant brand-protectors and people who have not personally understood or experienced an issue come to throw gasoline on the frustrations of those who’ve spend dozens of hours researching and understanding the issues we describe.

I’ve got email confirmation from steinberg of the hyperthreading issue, and I understand it is a challenge. Yep. What is NOT challenging is a) honesty and b) proper management of ‘community’ support forums which seem to be taking a primary customer support role for a large number of customers.

oh dear, am I allowed to complain about my frustrations, having so few forum posts? Or must I pass the hazing test, first?

Version 12 and still no improvement in this issue. I have tried all the BIOS and power fixes to no avail. HT off or on makes no difference, But as soon as I start to do anything like route channels in the mixer, I start to get idle CPU spikes. Its completely taken the joy out of using my computer which I only use for music. There wasn’t this problem in Cubase 8 or Windows 7. So something in Windows 10 (clean install btw for the know it alls) or Cubase under the hood is responsible. No issues reported in LatencyMon, Time to post a SOLVED video on YouTube, Yes I switched DAW to Studio One,

the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence