I have been working on a song for a while but suddenly I cant hear anything. I’ve looked at levels and input out puts but can’t seem to hear any of the instruments. Idea please ?
Can we have a look at that, too, please? A screenshot would be nice plus addtitional infos regarding routing, Studio setup, OS, system and so on. Most preferably screenshots, too. Everything that might be related to your issue. There are so many possible reasons - it doesn’t make sense to start a guessing game at this point
Hi and thank you for a quick reply. My operating system is windows 10 and it’s up-to-date. I’ve added some photos of studio set up inputs and out puts etc. I have no doubt at all the I have touched something and caused the problem with this track. My interface is a focusrite 212 3rd generation. The track was going very well but then all of a sudden no sound. All the other projects are working fine so it’s just this one track.
Hi Gary,
thank you for the screenshot, looks good.
Can you check if your Outputs are activated here > Studio/Audio Connections/ Outputs and also if Control Room is engaged here?
Can you please post a screenshot of one track and its routing to the Stereo Out? Just pick any track that you would like to hear.
Have you put any inserts on your Stereo Out?
Is your Stereo Out by any chance muted? Solo is activated on all tracks in your screenshot…
If you play something from the Media Bay - can you hear that?
You could also add another VST instrument and check if this is audible if you play something.
Let’s take it from there
Dear Reco29
First of all let me start by thanking you for your superquick replies to my emails and also the nice friendly approach you use. Also thanks to your last email I managed to solve the issue. When I checked the first track to see where it’s routed to, it just said no bus or maybe something very similar. Every single track said the same thing. When I changed each one to stereo output I could hear them all one by one. I still don’t understand how this happened as previously I could hear everything. I must have touched something in the recording process.
I wish you a great weekend and a very big thank you for your time and knowledge.
Best wishes