I have lost my video sounds following update

I write often by importing an MP4. All has been well until the update yesterday. the file shows up. I have tried reinstalling the mp4 but no luck.
It makes no sound, yet sounds are working fine. First use since update.
Cant Stop The Feelin.dorico (2.3 MB)

Update. I started a new Dorico file from a clean template and it seems to work; although I am curious as to what happened to the template I was using? If anyone sees anything in the file I uploaded that would stop the video from working, I would love to know. Thanks.

Hi @gdayswu , yes, I can tell you.
The audio engine data in your project file show, that the auido channel for video is muted. Strange thing is, when I load your project and go to the Play mode, then the video channel is not shown as muted. What if you toggle the mute button once or twice, does sound come back then on it?

Hi and thank you… Yes, I had noticed that and I had done as you suggest, feeling very silly when I discovered it. However, it still did not work, which is what led me to the post.

Greg Day

Unfortunately, it looks as though the mute buttons in the Mixer are non-functional in Dorico 5.1.80. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. We will have a fix for this as soon as we can.



Thank you. That’s a very important feature for me in my use of that function.

@gdayswu , it’s better not to publish what I assume is your personal phone number in your signature on a public forum like this. You can edit your posts yourself.


We have published a Dorico 5.1.81 update in Steinberg Download Assistant that fixes this problem. Please download and install the updated build.

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